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Good Life

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28 February, 2009


18 February, 2009
Good Life

A few tips helps us in life:

Life is a game. The rules indicate the borderline and you choose whether you will cross it.

Life is a game. The most emportant thing is to practice. Through practice you learn how to play it.

Learn to identify the people who `rob` your energy and stay away from them.

Learn to identify the people who charge you with energy and become friends with them.

Don`t be afraid of the things you don`t know. Learn to know them.

Always be the best friend you can be.

Let your heart lead you, it knows you ,may better than anyone else.

The secret of balanced life is an equal amount of good memories and new hopes.

Don't be afraid to fulfill your dreams, no body is going to do it for you.

No one is perfect, nor are you, instead of looking for perfection make your life perfect by accepting it.

Our most beautiful hours are the hours we spend with our loved ones.

There is no one to stop you when you roll down hill and there is no one to push you up when you're down only the belief in yourself can do that.

It takes courage to an optimist - so be brave.

Remember that the one who doesn't turn the circumstances of his life, will be turned by them eventually.

You know when you are with the right person when you get as much as you give.
